Recommended to be played in Full Screen.

Web of Thought is a game about how much knowledge and information we need in order to come to a reasonable conclusion. If that means anything at all to begin with. We make a lot of assumptions with the information we currently have to make conclusions. But would we draw the same ones if we knew more? How can we ever be sure that what we know is the truth?

Gameplay - We wanted to experiment with a different style to gather clues from a traditional detective game. In this game, you'll encounter a storyteller who will tell you the parts of the story that you want to hear. It's up to the players to follow the threads if any at all. You will do that by giving(dragging & dropping) an "Idea" the to NPC. Who will then tell you more. You can then highlight NPC's responses to get new Ideas. And the cycle repeats.  As you keep playing the Mind Map on the bottom right corner on the screen will keep populating itself. Mirroring the scaling knowledge required to fully know a story.

Feel free to leave any comments, thoughts, criticism you have. You can also use the in-game feedback submission form to send us what you think!

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